I love my Ma. I really, really do. I remember writing notes to her when I was little. They'd be scribbled with: You're the best Mum ever! You're the best Mum I'll ever have.
Each birthday I would have since I can remember {probably about 5 years} I would blow out the candles and make a wish. I'd wish that my Mum would live forever, and that I'd never have to move out of home. I made that wish on anything you could wish on. I cried when I went to camps, and when I was too old to cry I'd fall asleep with silent tears of homesickness.
Mum would leave little notes in secret little places for me. She'd always bring home little presents, nothing exuberant but little things that touched my heart. Every now and then a card will arrive in the mail from her {even though she lives 6 minutes away} with kind words letting me know how much she loves me. I could honestly go on and on. She's the best mum EVER.
And now she's turned into the best Grandma ever. She loves Lacey more than anything, and showers her with love. They're a great little duo together.
The other rainy morning we were all hanging out and Lacey went down for a nap. Mum was heading out to leave before she woke, so she created this little wooden town for her to wake up to.
She was so excited to stumble across it when she woke... and then she promptly knocked it all down. My little girl is so lucky to have my lovely Ma in her life. xx
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