Meret's Blog #6:

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Not really conducive to outdoor workouts

Unfortunately, I was not able to stay through the end of the slim & strong bootcamp. I'm kinda upset about that because I was feeling stronger and am pretty certain I built up a nice amount of muscle over the past few weeks (I'm definitely noticing my hammies!!!). I'd been planning on finishing up, doing measurements, and then going on vacation to Maine, but because of the blizzard that had been announced, my parents left earlier than planned and I had to leave with them to avoid having to pay for a bus up (if I could even get out of the city). Anyways, so right now I'm planning to just maintain whatever progress I've made in the best way possible and then do my measurements when I get back to NYC in early January. Also, I'll have 3 extra classes that I can schedule to get back into the hard-core workouts as soon as I'm back.

I've set a personal goal for myself to work out every day that I'm in Maine. This should be pretty challenging since it's too cold to work out outside ('s FREEEEEEZING!!! Did you take a look at that pic?!), but I also don't really have the money to spend on a temporary gym membership...or, rather a membership to the wellness pavilion, as it's called here. Anyways, it's about a 40 minute drive away, and with the snow projected here, I can't even be sure I could make it there regularly. So, I went to the basement to find out what kind of fitness equipment we have here. Turns out, because my brother used to be a pretty small guy (back in middle school HAHA) there were actually some dumbbells that I could use. I'd also brought my jump rope and the resistance bands from boot camp. So, this is what I came up with for my first workout:

Circuit 1 -- 3 times:
2 min jump rope
15 squat with shoulder press (12 lbs dumbbells)
15 push-ups
20 tricep dips
leg lifts with the resistance band (20 forward, 20 backward, 20 sideways....on each leg, so 120 reps each circuit)
25 sit-ups with (12 lbs dumbbells)
30 russian twists with dumb bell (12 lbs dumbbell)

Circuit 2 -- 3 times:
10 push-ups
50 mountain climbers
10 push-ups
50 jumping jacks

All in all it took 45 minutes.

Then, yesterday I did the full Slim & Strong Circuit that Ariane had emailed to us. It took about 50 minutes to get through it twice. I felt really accomplished! If I can keep this us, I think I can at the very least maintain my progress, perhaps even move forward a bit more. Unfortunately, my diet's left something to be desired, though it's not been a complete disaster. I'll do my best!

Both of the above workouts were really productive and got me working pretty hard. It's great to just know that I can work myself out without the gym and without the energy of the people there. In fact, it's really empowering. It's one of those things that I was never able to do before and that will make a big difference on days where I don't have the time to do my regular work outs. Yay!

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