How to Achieve your New Year's Resolution for 2010!

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Five, four, three, two, one... Happy New Year!

January 1st is just around the corner and it’s time for you to make New Year’s resolutions. Some like to think that this is an opportunity for a fresh start. About 45 percent of American adults make one or more resolutions each year. Among the top new year’s resolutions are: weight loss, exercise, managing finances, debt reduction, etc. Research shows that less than half of New Year’s resolutions are achieved as the year goes on. Here are a few tips to achieve your 2010 New Year’s resolutions!

1- Be realistic when setting the goals.

2- Set specific goals.

3- Write down your goals on a paper/diary so they become more real to you.

4- Set up a plan to reach your goals throughout the New Year.

5- Identify your level of commitment.

6- Have a positive attitude.

7- Remind yourself of your goal as often as needed for you not to lose track of your ultimate objective.

8- If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, then join the Get Slim Challenge. The challenge helps you to become accountable and you have to report your weight loss progress every 30 days.

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