How to Avoid Halloween Candy Binge!

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Here are a few tips to help you avoid the Halloween candy binge:

1- Purchase Halloween candy as closest as you can of October 31st.

2- Don't hang on to the trick-or-treat candy. Toss the leftovers!

3-Drink Bios Life Slim if you have sugar cravings and wait for 15 minutes before grabbing Snickers or Milky Way bars. ( This is a tip from Scott Wiggins, former Get Slim Challenge winner)

4-"There will always be another Halloween, but prolonging you weight loss will only put you further and further behind," said Candice Chamberlain, Get Slim Challenge finalist.

Diabetes can be Delayed with Diet and Exercise!

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If you're borderline diabetic, there is still hope for you to avoid the disease. According to a 10-year study released yesterday, making changes in your lifestyle such as dieting and exercising can help you prevent diabetes.

"Millions of people could delay diabetes for years and possibly prevent the disease altogether if they lost a modest amount of weight through diet and increased physical activity," said Dr. Griffin Rodgers, director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease.

Within the US is estimated that 11 percent of adults (24 million people) have diabetes. Most have type 2, the kind linked with poor diet and lack of exercise.

Bios Life Slim is a natural supplement that can help you control your blood sugar levels.

Source: Reuters
To read the full article, click here.

Recipe of the Week!

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This seasonal recipe was submitted by one of our marketing specialists, Katharine Peterson.

She says,"It's delicious and rediculously healthy."


Butternut Squash Soup
(adapted from Food Network)

1 Sweet onion, chopped

1 Butternut squash peeled, seeded and cubed. About 5-6 cups.

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon brown sugar

dash nutmeg

salt and pepper to taste

4 cups of chicken or vegetable broth

3 tablespoons cream or half and half, optional


Place onion and olive oil in a large stockpot cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add squash, brown sugar and seasonings. Continue to cook for about 5 minutes. Add broth and cook until squash is soft. using an immersion blender, blend the ingredients in the stockpot until smooth. Add more salt and pepper to taste and cream, if desired. Garnish and serve. Approx. 6 servings.

Katharine's Tips:

1- If you are a curry lover, 1 teaspoon of curry powder would be a great addition.

2- The easiest way I have found to peel a Butternut squash is with a vegetable peeler. take long slow strokes.

3- If you don't have an immersion blender, take the soup from the pot in about 3 batches and process (carefully) in a blender until smooth.

Slim for Life!

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If you have tried several different diets before and nothing has worked for you, you have come to the right place to find your weight loss solution--Bios Life Slim! Dieting is never fun for those who love to eat. When you wake up in the morning, make sure that you're not in a rush. When you start your day right, it's easier to make sure you drink Bios Life Slim and to have a balanced breakfast. Skipping breakfast is one of the leading causes of weight gain. Get your metabolism going by eating a high protein diet and don't forget to drink Slim 10-15 minutes before your main meals. Slim will reduce your cravings, making it easier to avoid snacking between meals. However, you need to be consistent! Make sure you're drinking Slim at least twice a day to see results. With the help of Bios Life Slim, you will be "Slim" for life.

Cut Down the Empty Calories!

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A good start for a successful weight loss begins with cutting down the extra calories that your body doesn´t need! Here are a few suggestions of empty calories that you should avoid:

1-Soft drinks
3-Alcoholic beverages
6-Fried food such as French fries, onion rings, fried chicken.

Keep a Food Journal!

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Are you writing down everything that you eat? If not, then it's time to start a food journal! Keeping a food journal is a good tool to help with your weight loss. When you write down all that you're consuming in a day, you start to be more conscious of what you eat and how much you eat. A food journal makes you stop at least once a day, and pay attention to what you eat. A food journal also helps you to see what you need to cut back. The simple act of paying attention to your eating habits is often all that is needed to initiate change and improvements in your own eating habits.

Kickstart Your Body Into The Next Gear!

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Have you been working out for a while but your body just hasn't changed much? You're still not tight enough around your stomach and that flab under your arms is still hanging. Here's how to kickstart your body into the next gear:

Many people start an exercise and diet program without deciding how they will measure progress. If you are only driven by "I want to lose weight", then how will you know once you have achieved your goal?

Measuring your weight, body fat and inches are the best way to assess progress. Relying on the scale alone will not only make you frustrated, but it's also not a good measure of whether you're losing fat. Your weight can fluctuate from day to day by several pounds and you may weigh more at certain times in your cycle, when you ate too much salt or starches, or if your digestion hasn't been regular.

Once you start lifting weights you will gain muscle and since muscle weighs more than fat per the space it occupies you might notice the scale going up. Many people stop lifting weights because they think it makes them heavy but in fact this is a good sign! The more lean muscle you gain, the tighter your body will be and the more calories you will burn (up to 4 x more than fat!). So, keep lifting those weights to get tight and forget about what the scale says.
Take a look at these two guys. They both weight 250 lbs but you definitely know which one has been hitting the weights, right? So, even though the guy on the left is quite heavy, he is lean and tight.

Also measure your body circumference with a tape measure. You will find that even when you're not dropping pounds, you'll be dropping inches as a result of the added muscle. So, use the inches as your best indicator of whether your body is changing or not.
Most people notice an instant difference in their waist circumference and bloat once they cut out the starches since the body no longer needs to hold on to so much water to metabolize the carbs.

Lastly, have your body fat measured because that is the only way to know if you have lost fat. It is absolutely crucial that you focus on losing fat only and not muscle as the latter would slow your metabolism. Only fat loss will change the shape of your body.

What do changes in body fat percentage mean?

If you have lost muscle/lean mass, you need to add more protein to your diet and reduce your intake of starches. Your body used your muscle as a protein source and you want to avoid that in the future by eating enough protein, especially after a workout.

If you have gained weight but dropped body fat, then you gained muscle weight. Muscle weighs more than fat per the space it occupies. So, while you can lose lots of inches, it might not show on the scale if you added muscle. Not a bad development at all, just keep your starch intake low.

If your body fat hasn't changed but you lost weight, then you probably lost lean mass/muscle. This happens when you don't eat enough protein - your body feeds on your muscle to get enough protein. That’s not a good move because your muscle is your body’s furnace. It burns almost 4 x more calories than fat, so you need to make sure you keep the muscle on your body. Make sure you eat a lean protein at every meal.

If you have lost fat and gained muscle, then congratulations, you've got it figured out. Keep up your new nutritional lifestyle and the pounds will keep coming off, while your muscle definition will pop out more and more.

If you haven't noticed much change, you probably didn't make the proper dietary changes. Working out alone should have helped you shed a couple pounds, but without eating more protein and less starch, the changes won't be dramatic.

Keep up with your strength training routine at 2-3 times a week and aim for at least an hour of cardio weekly to continue your fat loss. Remember - you need to challenge your muscles in order to keep the definition. If you don't work out for 3-4 days your muscles will already be less defined. Also, when you go to the gym pick the heaviest weight you can lift for 10-12 reps while keeping good form. You barely want to be able to complete 12 reps - that's the right weight.

September's Big Loser!

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The biggest loser is UKEME!

Ukeme lost 10lbs! Six pounds of those are pure fat. She lost 10.3 inches and 4.6% of her original body weight! Congrats to winning a free month of Slim & Strong.

The second prize of 10 Boot Camp classes goes to Jax, who also lost 10lbs this month and 5.6 of those pure fat (do you guys know how much that is? Go to the supermarket and pick up 5.6 lbs of butter!). Keep up the great work Jax!

The third prize of 5 Boot Camp classes goes to two people: Peach & Nate. Nate dropped 7 lbs and 1.6% body fat. He also improved his push up strength by 13 per minute. I should also mention that Nate has lost 21.4 lbs and 4.5 % body fat since starting training with me on July 20th. That’s an incredible job!
Peach lost 4.7 lbs of fat (you go girl!) and 2.2% body fat.