2- Week Intensive Slim & Strong with unbelievable results never seen before!

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Honestly, I'm totally blown away by the results the participants of the 2-week Intensive Slim & Strong Program have created. I have never seen participants lose so much weight in such a short time - they lost a combined 80 lbs in 12 days.

The short term focus really helped participants focus intensely on the changes they wanted to create. It was a close competition but in the end there was one guy who pulled off the most incredible results I have ever seen:

The biggest loser is KAMEN! Here are his stats (and keep in mind - he did all this in 11 days!

                                                                * Kamen lost 20 lbs (8.9% of his original weight)
                                                                * Body fat percentage dropped by 4.7%
                                                                * 14.4 lbs of pure fat lost (pick up a 15 lb dumbell at the gym and be amazed at how heavy it is....)
                                                                * He lost 9.5 inches

                                                                Kamen blogged about his diet and workouts during the past two weeks. If you want to get an idea of how to drop 20lbs in 11 days then check out his blog

                                                              Here's what Kamen said about his experience: "I lost 20lb (14.4lb of which fat!) and I truly am in the best shape of my life. I still have a hard time believing / imagining it. When I started this 2 week long intensive Slim & Strong program, I had no idea I can achieve anything close to this. I did push it a notch up (Karate & MMA classes, running, etc.) for a total of 2.5 hours of exercise on some of the days (yeah, I am crazy, I know), but this definitely came as a result of the inspiration Ariane infused in us. I have not seen such a lively, knowledgeable and determined trainer... I have had my fair share of Personal Trainers, and she is just the best. She has definitely won a well deserved place in my "most influential people to me" list. In some aspects, in those two weeks I learned more useful things than in any two years of my 22-year education :)

                                                              Given the high intensity of Kamen's workouts he also lost some muscle, but his weight will stabilize once he cuts down on his workouts a bit and adds more calories back in. Kamen, you won a free month of Slim & Strong!

                                                              The second prize of 10 Boot Camp classes goes to ROSEMARIE! Rosemarie said to me after the first day that she never wanted to look like her 'before' picture ever again and she definitelymade that happen!

                                                              Here it goes: Rosemarie dropped 5.8lbs of pure fat, 2.3% of body fat and 5.5% of her original body weight. She also lost a bit of muscle (which is typical if you reduce calories, up your exercise and don't eat enough protein and almost inevitable when you drop fat).

                                                              The third prize of 5 Boot Camp classes goes to SYLVANNA, who lost 6lbs and 3.7 lbs of that are pure fat. Sylvanna also created many other positive changes and experiences greater energy and motivation. She did a fantastic job and I truly hope this is the kickstart was what she needed to get her closer to feeling and looking her best ever!

                                                              Several other participants also made amazing strides, such as Sudie who lost 10 inches! Donna lost 8.4 inches, denise 6.6 inches and eileen 5.8 inches.

                                                              Congratulations to the hardest working group so far!
                                                              The challenge is on for next month's group. Will they be able to create the same changes within 4 weeks?

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